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am: 20. Februar 2021 08:09:18
Da wir gerade bei der neuen Winter Collection von Cadenheads ( über Fassstärke fachsimpeln: Dieser Artikel finde ich in diesem Zusammenhang auch sehr interessant:

Das wird sicher einigen anderen Abfüllern auch so ergehen.
Und interessant in diesem Zusammenhang auch die folgende Geschichte von Whiskybase (ja, es wird bald eine neue WB-Abfüllung geben), die anscheinend den Aufwand auf sich nehmen und zuerst botteln, dann Labels drucken und dann labeln. Da noch nicht alles öffentlich gemacht werden darf, habe ich einen Teil des Orignialtextes zensuriert:

160.000 bottles added to Whiskybase
A new release to celebrate a new milestone!
Hello XXX, as you know, we release a celebration bottle for every 10.000 bottle milestone in Whiskybase.
The curious journey of the 160K release.
We selected a [Distillery Name] 2009 in October 2020, and we are releasing a [another Distillery Name] 1996 in February 2021. What has happened?
A lot has happened; it started with a delay at the bottling location. We always want to make sure we get the correct information on the label. Which is the outturn and the correct ABV. This means the bottle will be bottled, we receive the details, and then we create the label.
Although we submitted a bottling request in early October, it took until mid-December before receiving the correct information. We could finally create the label.
This was done quickly, and we sent the labels out the week before Christmas. As you can imagine, labeling could not start in 2020 due to the festive season.
If things go wrong, they really start to go wrong, and our bottling partner found an issue with the labels. Seems that all our previous labels were not compliant with SWA regulations. Meaning we had to create new labels.
We submitted new labels, and the re-labeling was finished on the 13th of January. And there, the journey ended for these bottles. As they are still in Scotland. Brexit pushed everything into a grinding halt, and we have no option to release the [Distillery Name] 160K release before we hit 170K bottles in Whiskybase.
To the rescue
Luckily we have been able to source something else and could release it with a 160K label. Meaning the [Distillery Name] 2009 is now promoted to the 170K release (and yes, it needs a new label ;-)) and we hopefully can receive it somewhere in the future.
As a new bottling, we have selected a lovely fruity cask of [another Distillery Name] bottled in December 2020 with a Whiskybase 160K label.


  • Butt
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    • Beiträge: 504
Antwort #1 am: 20. Februar 2021 09:46:06
Guter Artikel. Schöne Transparenz von Watt Whisky. Gefällt mir so viel besser wie die Cadenhead „Originals“ mit 46%. Gar nix mehr Original bei denen.....

Da kommt mir auch spontan in den Sinn, dass wohl sehr viele (die meisten) Abfüllungen auf der Base zu unrecht den Radio Button für Cask Strength gesetzt bekommen. Ich habe den sicher auch schon genommen, obwohl nicht SWA-konform :-)